Label Text: SKINNER CATALOGUE: A steel shell of the Civil War period, with the explosive removed. Conical steel cap, lead base jacketed with heavy canvas. Orange label: C.T. JAMES RIFLE - PROJECTILE Patented Feb. 26, 1856 Patented Dec. 11, 1860. Diam: 3" Weight: 7 lbs 6 ozs. Cat. 8/30/1936.
The patent granted to Charles T. James of Providence, Rhode Island, February 26, 1856, no.14315, was for a fibrous jacket, hemp being preferred, with an internal T shaped passage by which the jacket, either by the explosion gases or by a mandrel, would be forced into the scores of the cannon and the rotary motion imparted. This, James claimed, did not adhere to the gun as did the soft metal bands previously used.
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