Description: ID))): This stained glass roundel depicts the story of Lazarus. It includes nine people and three dogs, in a room with a column against the back wall. A man and woman eat around a table, while two men play flute-like instruments behind them. One servant pours from a jug, and another serves. Two men, one holding a cane, interact in the foreground, and another emerges on stairs from under a raised platform. Outside the window is a countryside with trees and a large house, and a winged figure flies through the sky carrying a smaller figure. To the right of the central scene is a depiction of hell portrayed as an open kiln, with a figure engulfed in flames and surrounded by anthropomorphic animals. Above is a scene of heaven with cherubs and a robed figure seated on a cloud. Gold floral details and two blades of wheat surround the panel. (Naomi Meyer '27)
Label Text: This roundel demonstrates the artist’s impressive skills, among them the ability to create an illusion of depth and volume—one of the main achievements of the Renaissance era. The biblical parable (Luke 16:19-31) about a rich man and a beggar is packed into a small but highly detailed and sophisticated composition with many characters and planes, which create an illusion of depth and volume. The rich man and his family are seated at a table on the left. Two musicians are entertaining them, while a servant is pouring wine into a golden cup. The barefoot man with a staff in the foreground is the beggar named Lazarus. He is looking for crumbs from the rich man’s table. Dogs are licking the sores on his feet. Meanwhile, a man next to Lazarus is making a gesture that forbids him from approaching. The scene to the right depicts a reversal of roles in the afterlife. Lazarus is in heaven, and the rich man went to hell, which is depicted here as an open kiln. Engulfed in flames and tortured by demons, the rich man begs Lazarus to drop water on his parched tongue.
Maria Timina, 2025
Tags: animals; angels; poverty; interiors; people; religion; narrative; symbolism; eating; dogs; drinks; flutes; shape; biblical Link to share this object record: |