Description: portrait; male. Civil War, Captain of th 6th Regiment Militia, 26th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry.
Label Text: The heroic exploits of high-ranking military officials fueled commissions of large-scale likenesses in the tradition of European Grand Manner portraiture. William Morris Hunt’s life-sized portrait of New York native Edward F. Jones (1828–1913) may have commemorated the manufacturer and merchant’s ascent to the rank of captain. As captain, Jones earned renown for commanding the Sixth Massachusetts Militia at Baltimore in defense of Washington, D.C., in 1861. Standing in handsome profile, the Captain exudes a calm confidence befitting an adept leader. After the war, he returned to business and served for a time as lieutenant governor of New York. In 1913, The New York Times eulogized Jones as “a gallant and responsible gentleman.”
RRG, 2011
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