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481 records were found. Viewing Records 211 to 231
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

MH 1988.20.22
Daumier, Honoré
... Vous avez la parole, expliquez-vous, vous êtes libre! [Speak up.... you are free to express yourself!], La Caricature plate 490
1834 May 14
MH 1990.8
Daumier, Honoré
Ou allons nous, ou allons nous... [Where are we going, where are we going?], La Caricature plate 425
1834 September 25
MH 1991.10.7
Daumier, Honoré
Ch. de Lam.... Ch[arles] de Lam[eth], La Caricature No.78, pl.156 from the series Célébrités de la Caricature [Celebrities from La Caricature]
1832 April 26
MH 1991.10.8
Daumier, Honoré
Le Prédicateur [The Preacher], Le Charivari plate 13 from the series L'imagination [Phantasies]
1833 August 8
MH 1991.35
Daumier, Honoré
Enée et Didon [Aeneas and Dido], Le Charivari plate 15 from the series Histoire Ancienne [Stories from Antiquity]
1842 July 3
MH 1993.5.2
Daumier, Honoré
Mr. De Rign, La Caricature [Du Journal] plate 333 from the series Célébrités de la Caricature [Celebrities from La Caricature]
1833 November 21
MH 1997.27.1
Daumier, Honoré
Le Remede de Mimi Veron, [Mimi Véron's Remedy], Le Charivari plate 124 from the series Actualités [News of the Day]
1850 May 14
MH 1997.27.2
Daumier, Honoré
Rentree des Capucins dans leur bonne ville de Paris [Return of the Capuchin friars to their beloved Paris], Le Charivari plate 258 from the series Actualités [News of the Day]
1851 March 12
MH 1997.27.3
Daumier, Honoré
Un enfant qui s'amuse de peu, le Constitutionnel lui suffit pour toute la soirée [A child with little ambition: the Constitutionnel will keep him busy for the whole evening], Le Charivari plate 11 from the series Les papas (The fathers)
1847 June 17
MH 2000.454.50.INV
Daumier, Honoré
Le Colin-maillard russe - Jeu nouveau, mais dangereux [Russian blind men's bluff - New game, but more dangerous], Le Charivari plate 56 from the series Actualités [News of the Day]
1854 May 27
MH 2000.536.4.INV
Daumier, Honoré
Ma chère, je vous apporte une potiche charmante pour vos étrennes [My dear, I brought you an absolutely charming vase as a New Year's present], Le Charivari plate 3 from the series La Potichomanie
1855 January 29
MH 2000.536.5.INV
Daumier, Honoré
Les garçons en habit noir. Enterrement du tronc des pour-boire [The Waiters in Black Suits. Funeral of the Tip Box], Le Charivari plate 2 from the series Croquis parisiens [Parisian sketches]
1855 April 27
No Image
MH 2000.549.6.INV
Daumier, Honoré; Granville, J. J.; aka Grandville, Jean-Jacques; Gavarni; Raffet; Travies
Le Rire
MH 2004.21.12
Ghezzi, Pier Leone
Beretta, A Mason
1707 May 26
MH 2004.L3.3
Daumier, Honoré
The Town Crier [L'aboyeur]
MH 2008.7.1
Daumier, Honoré
Ayant abusé du raisin de 1857 [Having overindulged at the wine harvest of 1857], Le Charivari plate 1 from the series En Vendages
1857 October 6
MH 2009.9.1
Daumier, Honoré
Vue de Mr. Dupin se rendant à L'Assemblée [A glimpse at Mr. Dupin on the way to the Assembly]; Tribune de Messieurs les gardes nationaux [The stalls of the gentlemen of the National Guard], Le Charivari from the series Physionomies de l'Assemblée
1849 October 11
MH 2009.9.2
Daumier, Honoré
Mr. Berger, dit le Superbe, recevant les hommages qui lui sont bien dus a tous egards; La grande manoevre des couteaux de bois commandée par le general Baraquay d'Hilliers [Mr. Berger, called the Superb, receiving his in every respect well deserved homages. The great manoeuvre of the wooden swords under the command of General Baraguay d'Hilliers], Le Charivari from the series Physionomies de l'Assemblée
MH 2010.10.1
Daumier, Honoré
Le chemin de fer de Lyon-Embarcadère spécial des nourrices de Bourgogne [The Railroad to Lyon-Special platform for wetnurses from the Bourgogne]
1852 March 23
MH 2012.34.2
Daumier, Honoré
Les Bas-Bleus: Dis donc, Bichette
MH 2013.15
Daumier, Honoré
Le guittariste-amateur [The Amateur Guitarist]

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