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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

MH 1963.63.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
En choeur. "Le soleil est si beau!" (à part) coquin de temps! (en choeur): Et puis de ma Bretagne le soleil est si beau!....Vive Loisa Puget!!!!!....[(Chorus) "The sun shines so bright!" (aside) What a filthy weather! (Chorus) "O my native Brittany, where glows the sun so bright..." Hurrah for Loïsa Puget!], Le Charivari plate 3 from the series Les Musiciens de Paris [The Musicians from Paris]
1843 February 14
MH 1963.64.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Un Usage d'Inde [An Indian Custom], Le Charivari plate 30 from the series Les Beaux Jours de la Vie [The best days in life]
1844 November 9
MH 1963.65.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Mr. Babinet se décidant à aller éteindre lui-même le soleil pour ne pas faire mentir sa prédiction [Mr. Babinet decides to extinguish the sun himself so that his prediction will not have been a lie], Le Charivari plate 386 from the series Actualités [News of the Day]
1857 April 15
MH 1963.66.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Visite matinale d'un Créancier à propos de Bottes [Early visit from a creditor about boots], Le Charivari plate 4 from the series Emotions Parisiennes [Parisian emotions]
1839 September 1
MH 1965.76.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Plus souvent que je te conduirai encore au bal de l'Opéra!... je te perds au milieu de la foule et après deux heures des plus mortelles inquiétudes je te vois revenir avec un postillon de Lonjumeau... [Each time I take you to the opera ball I lose you amidst all the people and after two hours of dreadful fears I see you coming back with a postilion of Lonjumeau.], plate 4 from the series Paris l'hiver [Paris in Winter]
1845 January 16
MH 1965.77.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Etrennes de 1856 [New Year's Presents of 1856], Le Charivari plate 257 from the series Actualités [News of the Day]
1856 January 2-3
MH 1965.78.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Pauvre M. Rouher! [Poor M. Rouher!], Le Charivari plate 88 from the series Actualités [News of the Day]
1872 May 9
MH 1965.79.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Est-ce que vous allez ouvrir la porte de la cage... [Are you going to open the cage door...], Le Charivari plate 51 from the series Actualités [News of the Day]
1870 March 22
MH 1965.80.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Les élèves de l'institution Pascareau essayent un nouvel uniforme [The pupils of the Institute Pascareau are trying their new school uniform], Le Charivari plate 25 from the series Professeurs et Moutards [Teachers and Students]
1846 May 16
MH 1973.129.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Buffet. Ministre du commerce et de l'agriculture [Buffet. Minister of Commerce and Agriculture], Le Charivari plate 40 from the series Les représentans représentés [The representative represented]
1849 April 30
MH 1973.129a.M.RII
Daumier, Honoré
Altaroche. Cet enfant de l'Auvergne est Altaroche député du Puy-de-Dôme [Altaroche. This son from the Auvergne is Altaroche, deputy of Puy-de-Dôme], Le Charivari plate 28 from the series Les représentans représentés [The representative represented]
1849 March 14
MH 1986.23.8
Daumier, Honoré
La planche démontrée par le précepte et par l'exemple [The theory and practice of the diving board], Le Charivari plate 7 from the series Les Baigneuses [At the ladies bath]
1847 August 13
MH 1988.14.1
Daumier, Honoré
Mr. d'Argo
1833 July 11
MH 1988.20.14
Daumier, Honoré
La Fureur des statues, Le Charivari from the series Actualités [News of the Day]
1844 January 18
MH 1988.20.15
Daumier, Honoré
Prison Royale. Entrée. Sortie. [Royal Prison. Entrance. Exit.], Le Charivari
1834 October 2
MH 1988.20.16
Daumier, Honoré
Mr. Montaugibet, en patissier-gâte-sauce [Mr. Montaugibet as a bad pastry chef], Le Charivari plate 2 from the series Bal-de la Cour [A Ball at Court]
1833 February 3
MH 1988.20.17
Daumier, Honoré
Un pauvre pere de famille...Qui n'a que quelques millions de revenus [A poor father of a family who has only a few million as income], Le Charivari, Série polit. 129
1833 November 10
MH 1988.20.18
Daumier, Honoré
Chimere de l'imagination. Mon dieu! Si j'allais faire un enfant a tete de Poire ... ou bien un Lob...un d'Arg ... un Sou ... un Dupi ... ah! mon dieu!! un Kerat!!! [Illusion of the imagination. My God! If I were to have a child with a pear's head ... or even of a Lob [au] ... an Arg[out]...a Sou[lt] ... a Dupi[n] ... ah! my God!! a Kerat[ry]!!!], La Caricature plate 244, number 118,
1833 February 7
MH 1988.20.19
Daumier, Honoré
Le Cauchemar [The Nightmare], La Caricature plate 139
1832 February 23
MH 1988.20.20
Daumier, Honoré
Pot de vin, arrestations arbitraires, mitraillades, transnoninades, elle couvre tout de son manteau [Bribes, arbitrary arrests, grapeshot fire, Rue Transnonain massacres, it covers all with its robe], Le Charivari
1834 September 7
MH 1988.20.21
Daumier, Honoré
Le Tirage [The theft], Le Charivari plate 4 from the series Flibustiers Parisiens [The Parisian rogues]
1835 December 20

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