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5000 records were found. Viewing Records 820 to 840
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

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AC 1992.44.10
Fink, Larry
Piano Player from Behind, Washington, D.C., February, 1990, from "Social Context" Portfolio
February 1990
AC 1992.44.7
Fink, Larry
Deals and Blonde, Lexington, Kentucky - July 1987, from "Social Context" Portfolio
July 1987
AC 1993.11
Gutmann, John
The Oracle
1949 (printed later)
AC 1993.23
Double-chambered whistling vessel in the form of a diety and spondylus shell
AC 1993.24
100-500; Early Intermediate Period
AC 1993.53.8
Mark, Mary Ellen
Man in Suit on Beach, Miami, 10/1986
1986 (later print?)
AC 1994.105
Katsushika Hokusai
Fujisawa from an untitled series of the Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō Road
AC 1994.106
Nishikawa Sukenobu
Four Young Women Indoors
18th century
AC 1994.107
Utagawa (school of)
Shunga-Couple Lovemaking
19th century
AC 1994.116
Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Kabuki Actor
18th - 19th century
AC 1994.117
Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Narihira Eloping with Lady Nijo
AC 1994.120
Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Woman on Balcony
18th - 19th century
AC 1994.121
Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Young Lady at River Bank
18th - 19th century
AC 1994.123.a-c
Utagawa Kunisada (Toyokuni III)
Ichikawa Danjuro VII umpiring a wrestling match between the Edo actor Bando Mitsugoro III and the Osaka actor Nakamura Shikan II
ca. 1815
AC 1994.126
Kikukawa Eizan; Moriya Jihei, publisher
Brine Carriers ('shiogumi'), from an untitled series of landscapes with a red cloud band
ca. 1814–1817
AC 1994.127
Kikukawa Eizan; Izumiya Ichibei, publisher (ca. 1686–1886)
Snow ('Yuki') from the series "Elegant Famous Views of Snow, Moon, and Flower" ('Fūryū meisho setsugekka')
ca. 1814–1817
AC 1994.128
Kikukawa Eizan
The Mountain Castle at the Jewel River at Ide ('Yamajiro ide tamagawa'), from the series "Elegant Beauties of the Green Houses at the Six Jewel Rivers" ('Fūryū seirō bijin mu tamagawa no uchi')
AC 1994.129
Kikukawa Eizan; Maruya Jinpachi, published by
"Early Summer Rain" ('Go gatsu ame ya'), from the series "Elegant Hokku for the Five Seasonal Festivals" ('Fūryū hokku go sekku')
ca. 1809–1813
AC 1994.130
Kikukawa Eizan
Shunga [Shamisen Player and Her Lover]
ca. 1809–1813
AC 1994.131
Kikukawa Eizan
Kakemono-e (full length portrait of Courtesan)
ca. 1807–1814
AC 1994.132
Kiyomine, Torii
Four Courtesans With Kamuro
18th - 19th century

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