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566 records were found. Viewing Records 232 to 252
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

MH 1958.12.M.PI
Utrillo, Maurice (forgery after)
Montmartre Street Scene
20th century
MH 1959.31.M.RII
Callot, Jacques
Dévastation d’un Monastère [Destruction of a Convent] Plate 6 from the series Les Misère et les Malheurs de la Guerre [The Miseries and Misfortunes of War]
MH 1959.35.M.RII
Callot, Jacques
L’Estrapade [The Strappado] Plate 10 from the series Les Misère et les Malheurs de la Guerre [The Miseries and Misfortunes of War]
MH 1959.40.M.RII
Callot, Jacques
L’Hopital [The Hospital] Plate 15 from the series Les Misère et les Malheurs de la Guerre [The Miseries and Misfortunes of War]
MH 1959.62.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Interior of a Prison from the series The Carceri [The Prisons]
1750 or earlier
MH 1964.145.Q.RII
Yoshida Hodaka
Yakushi-ji Tō Enbō (Yakushiji Distant View of Yakushi-ji, Nara)
MH 1966.13.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta del Romano Campidoglio con Scalinata che va alla Chiesa d'Araceli [View of the Roman Capitol and the Steps of S. Maria in Aracoelli] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1775 (possibly 1757) plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1966.17.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta dell'Atrio del Portico di Ottavia [View of the Entrance of the Portico of Ottavia] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1760 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1966.18.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Obelisco Egizio [Egyptian Obelisk] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1759 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1966.19.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta del Tempio di Antonino e Faustina in Campo Vaccino [View of the Temple of Antoninus and Faustina in the Cow Field] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1758 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1968.281.I(b).PI
Floch, Joseph
MH 1972.320.I(b).PI
Chandler, Joseph Goodhue
First Meeting House, South Hadley
mid 19th century
MH 1972.321.I(b).PI
Chandler, Joseph Goodhue
Second Meeting House, South Hadley
mid 19th century
MH 1972.73.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Foro di Augusto [Forum of Augustus] from the series Alcune Vedute di Archi Trionfali ed altri monumenti inalzati da Romani parte de quali se veggono in Roma e parte per l'Italia [Some Views of Triumphal Arches and other monuments erected by the Romans, some of which are in Rome and some elsewhere in Italy]
1748 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1972.74.1.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta della Basilica di Sta. Maria Maggiore con le due Fabbriche laterali di detta Basilica [View of the Basilica of St. Maria Maggiore with two factories next to the Basilica] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1749 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1972.74.10.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta della Basilica di S. Giovanni in Laterano [View of the Basilica of St. Giovanni in Laterno] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1749 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1972.74.12.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta di Piazza Navona sopra le rovine del Circo Agonale [View of the Piazza Navona over the ruins of the Circo Agonale] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1751 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1972.74.13.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta interna della Basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano [View of the interior of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1748 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1972.74.2.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta della Basilica, e Piazza di S. Pietro in Vaticano [View of the Basilica and Square of St. Peters in the Vatican] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1748 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1972.74.3.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta dell' esterno della gran Basilica di S. Pietro in Vaticano [View of the Exterior of the Grand St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1748 plate; 1777 or before, print
MH 1972.74.4.P.RII
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista
Veduta del Palazzo Odescalchi [View of the Odescalchi Palace] from the series Vedute di Roma [Views of Rome]
1753 plate; 1777 or before, print

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