Search Results:

361 records were found. Viewing Records 148 to 168
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

ID Number Maker Name/Title Date Made  
MH 1904.13.A.C Unknown Head with tall headdress 200-395 CE (Late Roman period) View
MH 1904.14.A.C Unknown Head of figure 200-395 CE (Late Roman period) View
MH 1904.15.A.C Unknown Head of figure 200-395 CE (Late Roman period) View
MH 1904.16.A.C Unknown Head of figure 200-395 CE (Late Roman period) View
MH 1904.17.A.C Unknown Head of figure 200-395 CE (Late Roman period) View
MH 1904.18.A.C Unknown Head 200-395 CE (Late Roman period) View
MH 1904.19.A.C Unknown Head of a figure 200-395 CE (Late Roman period) View
MH 1904.20.A.C Unknown Head of a figure 200-395 CE (Late Roman period) View
MH 1904.21.A.C Unknown Fragment of a woman's face 30 BCE-150 CE (Early Roman Period) View
MH 1904.22.A.C Unknown Human figure 395-641 CE (Byzantine Period) View
MH 1904.23.A.C Unknown Fragment of a statuette of a woman 395-641 CE (Byzantine Period) View
MH 1904.24.A.C Unknown Standing female figure 395-641 CE Period View
MH 1904.25.A.C Unknown Fragment of a male standing figure 395-641 CE (Byzantine Period) View
MH 1904.26.A.C Unknown Fragmentary figure of an animal (probably a dog) 30 BCE-395 CE (Roman Period) View
MH 1904.4.A.C Unknown Standing Female Figure 30 BCE-150 CE (Early Roman Period) View
MH 1904.5.A.C Unknown Zeus Ammon- Herakles 30 BCE-395 CE (Roman Period) View
MH 1904.6.A.C Unknown Male Head 30 BCE-395 CE (Roman Period) View
MH 1904.8.A.C Unknown Male Head 30 BCE-395 CE (Roman Period) View
MH 1904.9.A.C Unknown Female head 30 BCE-150 CE (Roman Period, Early) View
MH 1909.1.A.G Unknown Fragment of Coptic sculpture ca. 300-600 (Late Roman or Byzantine Period) View
MH 1909.2.1.A.K Unknown Shabti 1069-715 BCE (Dynasties 21-24) View

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