Search Results:

181 records were found. Viewing Records 64 to 84
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

ID Number Maker Name/Title Date Made  
SC 2016.65.60 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #22 Arenaria Graminifolia [Golden Rod] 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.61 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #39 Orontium Aqarium [Golden Club] 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.62 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts # 61 Panax trifolium [dwarf Ginseng] 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.63 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #67 Cornus abternifolia [Dogwood family] 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.64 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #87 Ailanthus abtissima 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.65 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #92 Melilotus alba [White clover] 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.66 Moser, Barry Flowering plants of Massachusetts #105 Elatine minima [waterworts] 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.67 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #122 Bartonia virinica 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.68 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #124 Juncus canadensis [Canadian Rush] 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.69 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #137 Eleocharis obtusa 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.70 Moser, Barry Flowering plants of Massachusetts #140 Digitaria ischaemum & 3 more 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.71 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #141 Hystrix patula 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.72 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #150 Stachys palustris 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.73 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #155 Utricularia inflata 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.74 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #166 Veronicastrum Virginicum 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.75 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #165 Limosella subulata 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.76 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #180 Valeriana Officinalis 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.77 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #202 Lysimachia ciliata 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.78 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #231 Ulmus Americana 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.79 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #233 Alnus rugosa 1969-1970 View
SC 2016.65.80 Moser, Barry Flowering Plants of Massachusetts #241 Spiranthes cenuua 1969-1970 View

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