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359 records were found. Viewing Records 253 to 273
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

ID Number Maker Name/Title Date Made  
SC 1970.19.1 Unknown Jackal-Headed God Anubis ca. 1386-1349 BCE; Egyptian Dynasty 18; reign of Amenhotep III View
SC 1970.21 Gyosessai Koun Carved Tusk 19th century View
SC 1970.5 Oppenheim, Moritz Daniel An Allegorical Subject: Judgment of Paris, study from Mm. de Staël's De l'allemagne n.d. View
SC 1971.15.14 Lebarbier, Jean Jacques François Celebration before the Statue of the Goddess Diana, illustration for L'histoire de Xenophon ca. 1797 View
SC 1972.42.2 Horwitt, Will Leda 1961-1964 View
SC 1972.45 Falguière, Jean Alexandre Joseph Bust of Diana ca. 1882 model executed View
SC 1973.4 Barye, Antoine Louis Theseus Slaying the Centaur Bienor 1849-1850 modeled View
SC 1973.7.1 Clodion (Claude Michel) Nymph with Two Children n.d. View
SC 1973.7.2 Clodion (Claude Michel) Satyr with Two Children n.d. View
SC 1974.11.1 Palissy, Bernard (or workshop of) Plaque 1st part 17th century View
SC 1974.36.4 Schiwetz, Berthold "Tex" Icahbod Crane n.d. View
SC 1975.26.1 Boucher, François Juno Inducing Aeolus to Loose the Storm on Aeneas ca. 1769 View
SC 1975.61 Hanusi, Saidi Shetani with Three Heads mid-20th century View
SC 1976.43.1 Millet, Jean-François Ceres in Summer n.d. View
SC 1976.43.2 Millet, Jean-François Ceres in Summer n.d. View
SC 1976.54.385 Beardsley, Aubrey How Queen Guenevere Made Her[self] a Nun, drawing for an illustration in Le Morte D'Arthur (London: J. M. Dent, 1893 - 1894) 1893 View
SC 1977.43.12 Unknown Draped Woman on Dolphin 19th century imitation View
SC 1977.43.13 Unknown Seated Woman with Torch 19th century imitation View
SC 1977.43.14 Unknown Seated Woman with Lyre 19th century imitation View
SC 1977.43.15 Unknown Dionysus Reclining Holding Grapes and Smaller Figure 19th century imitation View
SC 1977.43.18 Unknown Mercury 19th century imitation View

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