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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

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ID Number Maker Name/Title Date Made  
AC 1948.49 Inness, George Landscape with Farmhouse 1869 View
AC 1949.26 Unknown The Goddess Hathor Given Offerings by Attendants Late 18th or Early 19th Dynasty View
AC 1949.31 Sargent, John Singer "To my friend Greenough, John S. Sargent, Venice 1880" (Gordon Greenough) 1880 View
AC 1949.9 Cole, Thomas Daniel Boone ca. 1825-1826 View
AC 1950.10 Davies, Arthur Bowen Allegro 1919 View
AC 1950.163 Briscoe, Arthur John Trevor The Dreamer 1932 View
AC 1950.174 Briscoe, Arthur John Trevor Portrait of a Gentleman 1935 View
AC 1950.197 Hassam, Childe The Broad Curtain 1918 View
AC 1950.203 Kollwitz, Käthe Bust of a Worker Woman with Blue Shawl (Brustbild einer Arbeiterfrau mit blauen Tuch) 1903 View
AC 1950.208 Matisse, Henri Odalisque Assise 1925 View
AC 1950.4 Davis, Milo; Stuart, Gilbert (after) Paul Revere 1843 View
AC 1950.50 Ryerson, Margery Austen Caprice 1950 View
AC 1950.59 Medea Group (attributed to) Jar (Amphora) Archaic period, ca. 520 BCE View
AC 1950.6 Henry, Edward Lamson Kitchen Interior, Oberammergau 1871 View
AC 1951.1002 Dubreuil, Pierre Untitled (Farm Courtyard) n.r. View
AC 1951.1011 Edelmann, Charles-Auguste Untitled (Flower Vendor and Two Ladies) n.r. View
AC 1951.1051 Frelaut, Jean Enfant au Sein 1925 View
AC 1951.1113 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de The Custody is as Barbarous as the Crime (Tan Barbara la Seguridad Como el Delito) ca. 1815; posthumous impression, ca. 1859 View
AC 1951.1114 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de The Custody of a Criminal Does not Call for Torture (La Seguridad de un Reo No Exige Tormento) ca. 1815; posthumous impression, ca. 1859 View
AC 1951.1115.x.10 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de Love and death (El amor y la muerte.) Plate 10 from "Caprichos" series 1803 View
AC 1951.1115.x.12 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de Out hunting for teeth (A caza de dientes.) Plate 12 from "Caprichos" series 1803 View

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