Search Results:

403 records were found. Viewing Records 295 to 315
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

ID Number Maker Name/Title Date Made  
AC 2005.26 Gillray, James Physical Aid or Britannia recovered from a Trance... 1803 View
AC 2005.27 Gillray, James Plate 3, Democratic Gratitude. Plate 4, Democratic Religion View
AC 2005.28 Gillray, James The Magnanimous Minister chastiseing Prussian Perfidy View
AC 2005.29 Gillray, James The National Assembly Petrifed View
AC 2006.13 Cruikshank, George Vis à Vis - Accidents in Quadrille Dancing 1817-04-15 View
AC 2006.14 Cruikshank, George Les Graces - Inconveniences in Quadrille Dancing 1817-04-09 View
AC 2006.15 Cruikshank, George Moulinèt - Elegancies of Quadrille Dancing 1817-04-11 View
AC 2006.16 Cruikshank, George Monstrosities of 1825 & 6 1835 View
AC 2006.17 Cruikshank, George The Comforts of a Cabriolet! or, The Advantages of Divina Hoodwink'd!! 1821 View
AC 2006.18 Cruikshank, George Very Unpleasant Weather, or the Old Saying Verified "Raining Cats, Dogs, & Pitchforks"!!! 1820 View
AC 2006.19 Cruikshank, George Le Retour de Paris or the Neice presented to her Relatives by her French Governess 1817-01-03 View
AC 2006.20 Cruikshank, George; Crowquill, Alfred The Return of the Sailing Party 1826-08-14 View
AC 2006.21 Cruikshank, George Behold A Brook's Step-nay! I'll be bound to say a figure such as this you'll see there every day 1815 View
AC 2006.22 Cruikshank, George The Umbrella - "They make these here things sadly too small for good sized people! I'll be hang'd if I ar'nt as wet as Muck!!" 1820-03-27 View
AC 2006.23 Cruikshank, George A Tailor in a High Wind or L'embarras de Richesses. Drawn from the Life on the Cliff Brighton 1819 View
AC 2006.24 Cruikshank, George Georgey à la Dandy 1827-07-08 View
AC 2006.25 Cruikshank, Robert 'The Marigold Family on a Party of Pleasure, or effect of a Storm in the Little Bay of Biscay' pages 79 and 80 from the book, 'The English Spy: An Original Work, Characteristic, Satirical, and Humorous...Drawn from the Life by Bernard Blackmantle (Charles Molloy Westmacott) 1825-04-02 View
AC 2006.26 Woodward, George Moutard; Cruikshank, Isaac Shewing the Garden 1796-08-27 View
AC 2006.27 Woodward, George Moutard; Cruikshank, Isaac The Guard telling his Passengers that all is in Readiness for their Departure 1796-10-08 View
AC 2006.28 Woodward, George Moutard; Cruikshank, Isaac Antiquarians Viewing Queen's Cross 1796-12-17 View
AC 2006.29 Woodward, George Moutard; Cruikshank, Isaac A Proctor with a Wig 1797-01-14 View

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