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546 records were found. Viewing Records 148 to 168
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

ID Number Maker Name/Title Date Made  
AC 1994.93 Utagawa Toyokuni II Woman Offering Candy to Child ca. 1830 View
AC 1994.94 Utagawa Kumitomi Standing Figure of Courtesan 19th century View
AC 1994.95 Keisai Eisen Courtesan Holding Tobacco Pipe 18th - 19th century View
AC 1994.96 Keisai Eisen; Moritaya Hanzō, publisher The Syllable 'Ro': The Courtesan Suganoske of The Okamotoya as Nihonbashi ('Ro okamotoyanai suganosuke nihonbashi'), from the series "The Wandering Beauties of Edo" ('Keisei edo hōkaku') Early 1830s View
AC 1994.97 Keisai Eisen Bust Portrait of Beautiful Woman 18th - 19th century View
AC 1994.98 Keisai Eisen; Wakasaya Yoichi, published by Shigeoka from the Okamoto House (Okamotoya uchi Shigeoka) ca. 1820s View
AC 1994.99 Keisai Eisen Fukuroi, Stage Twenty-eight of the Tokaido Highway ca. 1830-1840 View
AC 1995.18 Disdéri, André Adolphe Eugène M. G. de Salverte (eight poses) 1859 View
AC 1995.19 Disdéri, André Adolphe Eugène Mme. Louise de Vassoigne (six poses) 1861 View
AC 1996.129 Utagawa Hiroshige I Warriors View
AC 1996.151 Utagawa Hiroshige I Double Page Shunga View
AC 1996.265 Saitō, Kiyoshi Woman in Red n.r. View
AC 1996.31 Katsukawa Shunshō (attributed to); Kitao Shigemasa Courtesans-double page book illustration 1776 View
AC 1996.32 Keisai Eisen Bijin from the series, 'Ukiyo shijuhachi Kuse" (48 Habits of the Floating World) ca. 1818-1830 View
AC 1996.44 Matisse, Henri Woman's Tear View
AC 1998.149 Isoda Koryūsai Young Man and Woman on Veranda ('Edo kuri hakkei') 18th century View
AC 1998.165 Katsukawa Shunchō Summer scene, three women View
AC 1998.179 Katsukawa Shunshō Court Lady gathering maple leaves from Tales of Ise View
AC 1998.28 Utagawa Toyohiro Young Woman and Screen 18th - 19th century View
AC 1998.53 Hiroshige II Warrior on Horseback 1839-64 View
AC 1998.68 Utagawa Hiroshige I Surimono-Horizontal 19th century View

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