Search Results:

688 records were found. Viewing Records 421 to 441
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

MH 2018.12.58
Stigliano, Stephanie Mahan
Peeling Wallpaper
MH 2018.12.S67
McCarthy, Mary
A Closer Look
MH 2019.31.36
Cordero, Helen
Singing Mother
ca. 1970
MH 2021.13.1
Zelle, Ann
Neighborhood children play in the empty lot next to the building being renovated for the Art & Soul neighborhood museum/art workshop
1968 capture; 2019 print
MH 2021.13.10
Zelle, Ann
Children make papier-mâché masks in Art & Soul class. 'Black Panther' painting by Jackie Hetherington hanging in background
1968 capture; 2019 print
MH 2021.13.11
Zelle, Ann
Daniel Hetherington, Art & Soul Assistant Director, teaches a painting class. Lawndale
1968 capture; 2019 print
MH 2021.13.12
Zelle, Ann
Children play in the alley and vacant lot next to Art & Soul building. They have been helping whitewash the building in preparation for Sachio Yamashita's rainbow stripes mural
1968 capture; 2019 print
MH 2021.13.13
Zelle, Ann
Director Jackie Hetherington and neighborhood children whitewash the front and alley walls of the Art & Soul building in preparation for Sachio Yamashita’s rainbow stripes mural. Many of the West Side Chicago buildings burned in the 1968 uprising after Martin Luther King Jr. was killed were razed and the lots were left empty
1968 capture; 2021 print
MH 2021.13.19
Zelle, Ann
Daniel Hetherington, Art & Soul Assistant Director, teaches a class on the exhibition of work by Chicago artist Ralph Arnold in Lawndale
1968 capture; 2021 print
MH 2021.13.20
Zelle, Ann
Daniel Hetherington, Art & Soul Assistant Director, teaches a class on the exhibition of work by Chicago artist Ralph Arnold in Lawndale
1968 capture; 2021 print
MH 2021.13.21
Zelle, Ann
One of the neighborhood children who helped whitewash the front and alley walls of the Art & Soul building in preparation for Sachio Yamashita’s rainbow stripes mural on Chicago’s 16th Street in Lawndale
1968 capture; 2021 print
MH 2021.13.24
Zelle, Ann
School children visiting Art & Soul on Chicago’s West Side watch bone sculptor Peter J. Gilbert at work
1968 capture; 2021 print
MH 2021.13.26
Zelle, Ann
A neighborhood boy visiting Art & Soul on Chicago’s West Side looks at work by bone sculptor Peter J. Gilbert
1968 capture; 2021 print
MH 2021.13.5
Zelle, Ann
Neighborhood children explore the gutted building which the Vice Lords will renovate for a neighborhood Museum/Art Workshop
1968 capture; 2019 print
MH 2021.13.6
Zelle, Ann
Neighborhood children explore the gutted building which the Vice Lords will renovate for a neighborhood Museum/Art Workshop
1968 capture; 2019 print
MH 2021.13.7
Zelle, Ann
Terry is one of the neighborhood children who help whitewash the front and alley walls of the Art & Soul building in preparation for Sachio Yamashita's rainbow stripe mural
1968 capture; 2019 print
MH 2021.13.8
Zelle, Ann
Neighborhood children at Art & Soul opening exhibition - in front of "Still Life in Motion," a painting by Chicago artist Reggie Madison
1968 capture; 2019 print
MH 2021.18.7
Winogrand, Garry
New York City
MH 2021.18.9
Winogrand, Garry
New York City
MH 2021.6.4
Eaton, Dorothy
[Community at work]
ca. 1930s-1940s
MH 2021.6.5
Eaton, Dorothy
[Family portrait]
ca. 1930s-1940s

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