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157 records were found. Viewing Records 127 to 147
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[AC] Mead Art Museum at Amherst College; [HC] Hampshire College Art Gallery;
[HD] Historic Deerfield; [MH] Mount Holyoke College Art Museum; [MH SK] The Joseph Allen Skinner Museum at Mount Holyoke College; [SC] Smith College Museum of Art; [UM] University Museum of Contemporary Art at UMASS Amherst

AC 2000.385.k.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Daikokuya Heikichi, publisher
In the Battle of the Yellow Sea onboard Our Japanese Warship Matsushima, a Sailor, on the Verge of Dying, Asks Whether the Enemy Ship Has Been Destroyed ('Kōkai no tataki ni waga Matsushimga no suihei shi ni tozonde tekikan no sonpi o tou')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.l.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika
A Picture of Our Second Army Landing at Kinshū (Jinzhou) and Bombarding the Enemy Camp ('Waga dainigun kinshū jōriku tekiei hōgeki no zu')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.m.1-3
Adachi Ginkō; Fukuda Kumajirō, publisher
The Fierce Battle at Kinshūjō (Jinzhoucheng) ('Kinshūjō gekisen')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.n.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Katada Chōjirō, publisher
A Picture of the Fall of the Gate of Eternal Peace (Yonganmen) at Kinshūjō (Jinzhoucheng): Superior Private Onoguchi Tokuji ('Kinshūjō eianmon kanraku jōtōhei onoguchi tokuji')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.o.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Matsunaga Sakujirō, publisher
The Desperate Battle of Captain Asakawa at Dojōshi (Tuchengzi) ('Dojōshi ni okeru taī asakawa shi no kusen')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.p.1-5
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Daikokuya Heikichi, publisher
A Picture of Our Fleet Bombarding Dalian Bay ('Waga kantai dairenwan hōgeki no zu')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.q.1-3
Adachi Ginkō; Fukuda Kumajirō, publisher
The Great Battle near Ryojunkō (Lushunkou) ('Ryojunkō fukin daigekisen')
AC 2000.385.r.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Sawamuraya Seikichi, publisher
A Picture of the Landing and Advance at Ikaiei (Waihaiwei) ('Ikaiei jōriku shingun no zu')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.s.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Inoue Kichijirō, publisher
A Picture of the Advance Disposition of Troops at Ikaiei (Weihaiwei) ('Ikaiei shingun haichi no zu')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.t.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Fukuda Hatsujirō, publisher
Captain Higuchi Takes an Orphan in His Arms During the Hard Fighting ('Higuchi taī minashigo idate funsen su')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.u.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Fukuda Kumajirō, publisher
Major General Ōdera Fighting Braveley at the Hundred Foot Cliff near Ikaiei (Weihaiwei) ('Ikaiei hyakusekigaishō ni ōdera shōshō funsen su')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.v.1-3
Norichika; Sawamuraya Seikichi, publisher
A Picture of a Torpedo Boat Firing a Torpedo ('Suiraitei suirai hassha no zu')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.w.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Fukuda Hatsujirō, publisher
Our Torpedo Boat Sinks the enemy Warship, The Teien (Dingyuan) ('Waga suiraitei tekikan teien gekichin su')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.x.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika; Matsunaga Sakujirō, publisher
Night Patrol in the Snow near Gyūsō (Niu-chuang) ('Gyūsō fukin setsuya no sekkō')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.y.1-3
Kobayashi Kiyochika
A Picture of the Artillery Corps Offensive at Gyūsō (Niu-chuang) ('Gyūsō kōgeki hōjin no zu')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.385.z.1-3
Nitta Seizō; Sawamuraya Seikichi, publisher
Scouting the Enemy's Movements on the Ice Near Eikō (Yingkou) ('Eikō fukin hyōtō tekijō teisatsu')
ca. 1895
AC 2000.386
Ogata Gekkō; Getsuzo; Toshihide, Migata; Yoshikuni
Scroll of Woodblock Triptychs Depicting the Russo and Sino Japanese War
AC 2000.387
Ogata Gekkō; Getsuzo; Toshihide, Migata; Yoshikuni
Scroll of Woodblock Triptychs Depicting the Russo and Sino Japanese War
AC 2000.388.1-3
Russo-Japanese War Naval Scene
AC 2000.389.1-3
Russo-Japanese War Battle Scene
AC 2000.39
Sébah, J. Pascal
Karnak (illegible)
ca. 1860-1880

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