Description: Two heavy columns supporting a curved arch frames two levels of images. At the top is the Annunciation with a prayer inscription below it. At the bottom, another prayer inscription runs vertically between standing figures of saints Lawrence and Margaret. The donors’ coats of arms frame the dedication panel at the bottom.
Inscription: (on angel's staff) Ave Maria gratia plena Domine tecum (Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee) Below scene: O Herr Jesu Christi iche begerer das din helliges angesicht sige / der aller erst anblick den min Seel schauwen soll; So sӱ/ Schiede von minem Lyb; Amen: (O Lord Jesus Christ, I desire that your holy face is the first thing that I see when my soul departs from my body, Amen) (between Lawrence and Margaret) O Mänsch in allem dinem Läben :/ gedäck diner Letzden Stund : so wirst/ Ewigklichten nit Sünden: Amen: (Oh, human being, think during all of your life on your last hour so you will not sin against the eternal light. Amen) (below) Wissenbach und Margaret/ etta Schwitzerin sin Elliche hus Frouw / 1583 (Lawrence Wissenback and Margaretta Schwitzer, his wife, 1583)
(The description and translation are provided by Dr. Virginia Chieffo Raguin)
Tags: text; narrative; Christianity; angels; saints; interiors; windows; birds; columns; halos; landscapes; shape; symbolism; wings Link to share this object record: |