Label Text: In his memoirs, Dobuzhinskii describes how he found a “golden pretzel on a village bakery” during a visit to his mother in the Tambov region, south of Moscow, in 1904. The artist was looking for “curious motifs,” as he puts it, and he continues to describe the elements that drew his attention: “carved graveyard gates with columns topped with tin bulbs, little houses with green roofs and steel lace on the chimneys . . .” The view in this drawing contains all these elements in a slightly different setting.
Dobuzhinskii joined the World of Art in 1901. While he was a talented draftsman and made graphic contributions to Mir Iskusstva and other journals, he also produced views of the places he visited. The ease and velocity with which he drew them is apparent in this drawing, which renders a vivid impression of the provincial town.
BJ, 2013
Tags: villages; architecture; lighting; signs; bakeries; pretzels Link to share this object record: |