Description: The stained glass pane features an octagonal heraldic coat of arms with a red beast with two green leafy branches sticking out from his upper body at the top central position. Behind the beast is a white decorative scroll inscribed in black lettering, and, lower down on an orange background, it has a date of 1554. Right below the beast, a golden coronet is placed with red and white mantlings of baroque style swirling outwards and surrounding the red shield. The golden coronet sits centrally above the main field of the shield, which has a diagonal silver band from the top left to the bottom right corner. The white mantlings of feathers, acanthus leaves, and the red shield contrast each other against the orange background. The outermost frame of the window is made of black lead borders, segmenting the frame into top and bottom sections that feature gold decorative elements on a white background. (Wasifa Orthy '26)
Tags: decoration and ornament; shape; narrative; devils; vegetables; text; sashes; supernatural; symbolism; feathers Link to share this object record: |