Label Text: By 1913 Rozanova had embraced Futurism, a style entirely focused on dynamism and aiming to “free the eye of the scales of atavism and culture.” Her appropriation of the style—one frequently associated with Italy— includes lines and curves that appear as if stirred by a whirlwind, thus conveying a sense of dissonance. The dynamic composition not only implies physical movement, but aspires to express inner, spiritual movement. While the landscapes are utterly abstracted, they testify to the artist’s deep connection to the Russian provinces.
This print, together with Rozinova's "Street" (AC 2001.73.2), first appeared in the Union of Youth’s (Soiuz Molodezhi) third publication in 1913. Union of Youth was an association of Russian avant-garde painters active in St. Petersburg from 1910 to 1914. The group saw itself in opposition to the conservatism of contemporary art and exhibition societies. Lerkii Zheverzheev acted as its president and financed the group, which functioned mostly as an exhibiting society. BJ, 2014
Tags: abstract; architecture; cities Link to share this object record: |