Description: ōban yoko-e; uki-e
Label Text: The title of this image is printed vertically descending within the right margin, followed by the artist's siganture, which reads "Kitao Shigemasa ga" ('drawn by Kitao Shigemasa'), and an inscription identifying the publisher as Nishimuraya Yohachi.
The genre of perspective prints, or "uki-e," sought to integrate European single-point perspective into the composition, employing a vanishing point and orthogonal lines to indicate a recession in space. The procession participants can be identified as Korean due to the style of their clothing and their banners. Interestingly, the title uses the word "karabito" (which can also be read as "dōjin"), an archaic term that can mean simply "foreigner" but that was also used to refer to both Chinese and Korean people, allow no linguistic differentiation between them.
Tags: cities; festivals; flags; houses; mountains; evening; ceremonies; crowds; entertaining Link to share this object record: |