Label Text: Following the events of September 11, 2001, Butt's art (already influenced by her identity as a Pakistani Muslim) became increasingly personal. The series Daughters of the East continues a recurring theme, in which Butt re-defines women's present-day roles and celebrates their courage, strength, and heroism. Created in the wake of the 2007 assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, a sense of struggle and anguish permeates the fragile designs.
In Untitled, Butt used a succession of printing plates to create an intricate, layered pattern of pistols that seem to gain momentum and begin to move across the background. In the center, a woman kneels and bends, her burqa coalescing into a flying dragon, perhaps a symbol of her strength of character in the face of danger and violence.
Written by Siyu Shen, Class of 2015
Tags: women; dragons; burkas; patterns; symbolism; ancestors; generations Link to share this object record: |