Description: Part of collection of 31 photographs focusing on black culture.
Label Text: First Photography Studio (135th Street) celebrates Van Der Zee as a successful entrepreneur and artist. This photograph was taken the year the studio opened. Standing in front of the studio is Van Der Zee’s second wife, Gaynella Van Der Zee, in partnership with whom he opened the studio. The windows of the studio are filled with announcements using its name, The Guarantee Photo Studio, and samples of the imaginative and skillful portraits on which Van Der Zee primarily built his success. He created these portraits with the assistance of props, costumes, and manipulative darkroom techniques, such as printing double negatives.
MD, PHOTOdocument exhibition, March 30, 2012-July 22, 2012
Tags: photographs; portraits; studios; storefronts; African American Link to share this object record: |