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Maker(s):Smith, Normand
Date Made:1835-1845
Type:Personal Gear; Container
Materials:wood: pine; cowhide, paper, base metal: brass, iron
Place Made:United States; Connecticut; Hartford
Measurements:overall: 9 3/4 x 11 1/4 x 22 in.; 24.765 x 28.575 x 55.88 cm
Accession Number:  HD 67.159
Credit Line:Gift of Jos. S. Caldwell, Jr.
Museum Collection:  Historic Deerfield

Pine and cowhide trunk in horizontal cylinder form, with flat bottom, iron edge plates, iron lock, and brass studs. Plain paper interior with label. Label reads: "Normand Smith/ Saddler, Harness & Cap/ Maker/ Six rods N. of the State-House/ HARTFORD,/Connecticut" and in the lower right hand corner "A. Reed sc" The label is engraved with pistols, whips, a sword, a fancy militia hat, and several trunks. Label engraved by A. Reed, thought to be a silversmith of Hartford. The EH Williams 1838 inventory listed: "4 Trunks ..... 1.75". The Smith Saddlery still operates in Hartford as the Smith-Worthington Saddlery.

An 1804 printed label for the factory on trunk [HD2021.21] included this information: Printed paper label in ink reads: "[image of saddle] NORMAND SMITH/ AT HIS MANUFACTORY, SIX RODS NORTH OF/ THE STATE HOUSE, MAKES AND KEEPS/ CONSTANTLY FOR SALE/ All kinds of the most elegrant saddles - Pla-/ted, Common, Russet and Black Bridles -/ Plated and Common Coach and Chaise Harnesses-/ English Collars- Horseman's Caps and Holsters - / Valices - Cartouch Boxes - Belts of all kinds -/ Swords and Pistols - A variety of Plated Portsmouth/ Bitts and Bradoons, of elegant patterns - do. Snaf-/fles-Plated Stirrup Irons.- Whips of all Kinds./ALSO - IRON BOUND TRAVELLING AND OTHER/TRUNKS./ A liberal discount to those who purchase by the/ quantity, and all favors gratefully acknowledged./Hartford, June 14th, 1804 O. STEELE, PRINTER"

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