Description: Chinese export porcelain octagonal plate decorated with the coat of arms of Shepheard (probably) in the Famille rose palatte with a center bouquet of asters, roses and peonies in purple, blue, rose, iron red, turquoise, yellow, green, and black. The motto, "I MEAN HARM TO NONE," is over the crest, "A demi wolf rampant argent holding a sword in pale, pommelled or"; over the coat, "Azure a chevron argent between three fleur-de-lis or on a chief of the second as many cinquefoils gules - a mullet for dirfference." This service has sometimes been attributed to Shepheard, "Azure, on a chevron between three fleurs-de-lis or, as many estoiles gules." The crest and motto would be punning and appropriate. The upper well has a gilt spearhead border interrupted by the coat of arms; the rim is encircled with floral sprays and gilt spearhead edge.
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